Brooke Gocklin

Brooke Gocklin is Senior Manager, Content Marketing at Persado.

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August 9, 2022

Delighting Your Customers: Data + Motivation AI

Successful organizations marry effective acquisition with strong retention. Customer data coupled with language AI can help.

August 1, 2022

Does Your Content Engage Values-Driven Consumers? AI Has the Answer

A core subset of customers will spend more with a brand that holds the same values that they do. This share is larger among consumers younger than 40? Learn the keys to effective values-based marketing.

May 2, 2022

The Future of Content Marketing Involves AI

The future of content marketing involves machines… at a greater scale than you could imagine.

May 1, 2022

How Language Has Evolved Since 2020—According to AI

Brands are reconsidering the tone of their messaging given the pandemic. AI-powered insights from Persado reveal how language has evolved since 2020.

December 13, 2021

GPT-3語言AI進入公共汽車嗎iness Mainstream?

What does GPT-3 mean for the use of AI in creative and marketing content? This post has the answer.

November 30, 2021

Leverage Language AI This Holiday Season to Capture Your Share of Rising Sales—But Easy Does It

Retailers can overcome consumer fatigue by making shopping easy. You can use language AI to help.

November 22, 2021

3 EASY Ways to Win the Holiday Season 2021 with AI

In a recent ebook, Persado uncovers insights for marketers on how to make the holiday season easier for consumers using the right language powered by AI.
