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10 Truths About Marketing Artificial Intelligence


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Editor’s Note: This post is part of a series featuring speakers from the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Conference (MAICON). For more information, visitwww.MAICON.ai.

In advance of the市場營銷Artificial Intelligence Conference (MAICON), I interviewed a number of experts (i.e. our speakers) regarding their upcoming sessions and areas of expertise. They offered a sneak peak into what to expect from their topics (spanning disciplines like content marketing, email, sales, strategy, social and more), plus a bit of insight into their own trials with AI.

These discussions opened my eyes to, not only what’s possible with AI, but also the gravity of the potential impact of AI. A whole new world of opportunity awaits those willing to adapt and change.

Did you miss the series? No problem. Below, we’ve curated 10 key quotes to apply to your own marketing AI experimentation. Click on the link following the quote to dive into the full article. We hope to see you at MAICON in July!

Didner1.“Technology is both a blessing and a curse. You cannot talk about marketing technology and not talk about AI.” - Pam Didner (@PamDidner), B2B and Tech Consultant and Author

Read the full article,Supercharge Your Sales with AI.

sara-hocking2.“Take time to understand the potential for AI and how it can supplement your work, truly freeing you to focus on the things that marketers should care about: empathy, creativity, strategy. The potential is there—it’s not hype or cliche.” -Sara Hocking, Associate Director, Marketing Innovation, Grant Thornton LLP

Read the full article,Start Down the Path to More Intelligent Marketing.

Carl Schmidt3.“I imagine that the transition to AI will have at least as much impact as the transition to the Internet did back in the late 90s. For those that recall, lots of companies really missed the boat because they failed to understand the fundamental impacts of a connected world.” -Carl Schmidt(@schmidtdisturbr), CTO and Co-Founder, Unbounce

Read the full article,What’s Stopping Marketers from Getting Started with AI?

Ellie-Mirman_2-14.“Think about what you want to accomplish first, rather than trying to shoe-horn a new technology, and you'll find real needs where AI can help your specific business case. Find those areas that can be automated and start to imagine where you can put your effort once those repetitive, manual tasks are off your plate!” -Ellie Mirman(@ellieeille), CMO, Crayon

Read the full article,Build a Competitive Intelligence Strategy for Your Business.

JeffCoyle-15.“... brands that use AI have a serious competitive advantage over those who don’t. They write better content that ranks higher in far less time than others in their market. This advantage compounds over time, as AI identifies more opportunities and AI-powered brands capture more of those opportunities faster.” -Jeff Coyle(@jeffrey_coyle), Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, MarketMuse

Read the full article,Is Your Brand Missing a Serious Ranking Opportunity?

cal6.“Experimental disciplines, like AI, go hand-in-hand with being a learning organization. As long as an organization continues to grow from AI projects, 'failures' are not permanent.” -Cal Al-Dhubaib(@caldhubaib), Chief Data Scientist, Pandata

Read the full article,Is Your Marketing AI Project Doomed to Fail?

Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at 10.22.13 AM7.“The state of marketing personalization is at a macro level. We can do better. AI can enable individualization of every journey.” -Nick Edouard(@nickedouard), President and Chief Product Officer, PathFactory

Read the full article,How to Achieve 1:1 Marketing at Scale with AI.

circle Doug Davidoff8.“There’s a growing suite of AI tools that can dig into the data laying dormant and, without knowing precisely what to look for, find the signal that enables leaders and players to adjust intelligently. The promise of optimization is finally coming to sales.” -Doug Davidoff(@dougdavidoff), Founder and CEO, Imagine Business Development

Read the full article,Harness AI to Empower Your Sales Team.

tameka vaquez9.“Everyone is talking about the hysteria around machines taking your job—things that a machine can do that humans can’t. You hear these conversations happening in the AI space, but then you put on your marketing hat, and you realize: no we need this stuff to happen so we can do what we do much better. This future is us learning how to work with these systems to deliver what it is we want to achieve.“ - Tameka Vasquez (@tameka_vasquez), Associate Director of Marketing, Assistant Professor of Marketing Management, Eigen Technologies, St. John's University

Watch the full interview,The Future is Marketer + Machine (Video).

Paul-Roetzer-110.“在使營銷更intellige的過程nt, artificial intelligence has the potential to make brands more human by enabling marketers to focus increasing time and energy on listening, relationship building, creativity, culture, and community. AI should make us better people, professionals and brands.” - Paul Roetzer (@paulroetzer), Creator of MAICON

Read the full article,How Can AI Make Your Brand More Human?


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